Then i remember hong lim. Hehehe.. I am conniving. Hong Lim served great Dim Sum the last time and they have dinner meals as well. (Read: NOT DIM SUM ) So we decided to try the restaurant. It's quite hard to find nice tai chau restaurants in Subang because it has to firstly pass 1) the taste tester's high high high quality ( aka my mom ) 2)The banker ( either me, bro and dad ) and 3) air quality ( my bro and mom ) both must have aircon one... So.. go figure.. I hope they dont read this otherwise i will really get whacked.
Hong Lim is clean, simple and not the fancy kind of restaurants you see out there. I wait with trepidition. Eating with my family can be really really stressful as they are very fussy eaters. I am more... relaxed ... ( bestie will snort while reading this )
Food arrived pretty quick. First up, Kang kong with belacan. Pretty much a standard dish by restaurant but i find it another good measure to see if the cook is really good! Too hot, you kill the taste, too not hot.. like no shiok. This is really nice. Right balance. All members of family gave 2 paws UP ( they are really now into food blogging )
My brother's must have order for that night. Sweet and Sour Pork. Er. Pork again. Actually i loved this dish. Both my brother and i do. One of my childhood comfort food with Gramps. When i was young, dad and mom were in US for sabbitical leaving me with my Ah Yeh and Ah Ma. Since i was a fussy eater, they used to tempt me with all sorts of things and only found milk and char siew pao worked.. That not being a healthy diet, Gramps ordered Sweet and Sour Pork from a restaurant brought it back. Wah lah-- i ate rice for the first time in ipoh. Gramps could not feel more happy ... fussy like pumpkin grand-daughter finally ate. After that, it was easier to coax me to eat. Grandma discovered as long as there is pork i will eat. Well, that aside. This is a nice dish.. I dunno i just like. Larkee got no PORK-SMELL. yish.
My mother's order of Tai sik kai- Thai style chicken. Nice.. spicy and not too fat the chook. The onion and sauce combo was a killer in terms of taste.
Dad's Order of Fei Chau Yue. Good. Too little sauce given though. Fish fresh but with a wee bit of lai hei. Next door table had CURRY FISH HEAD.... i was like wah................... mmmmmm. Next time , next time.
End Result- looks like this * Burp*.... Four very full people staring at each other and blank plates. 

Costs us less then RM100 for this amount of food. Worthy place to visit
Restaurant Name:Hong Lim
Where: SS15 - Behind Gazebo
Dinner Crowd Only
Neko's verdict:
Tastiness: ****
Service: **
Price: ****, Cheap............
Will Neko come back here: Yes
Does Neko show MSG intolerance after eating here?: No- suprisingly!
* - Very Bad
**- Bad
*** Ok
**** Good

Restaurant Name:Hong Lim
Where: SS15 - Behind Gazebo
Dinner Crowd Only
Neko's verdict:
Tastiness: ****
Service: **
Price: ****, Cheap............
Will Neko come back here: Yes
Does Neko show MSG intolerance after eating here?: No- suprisingly!
* - Very Bad
**- Bad
*** Ok
**** Good
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